By Dave Yonkman
Do you drown out most news and public relations claims you hear because you can’t trust any of it?
Privacy breaches expose how your credit card account isn’t fully protected despite guarantees. The company runs a public relations campaign to improve its image.
A corporation expresses its commitment to the community yet imposes intolerable working conditions on its employees.
An ice cream company whose headquarters sits on indigenous property starts a public relations campaign that tells other states to return land to Native Americans.
Your customers approach everything with the same sense of skepticism toward public relations. They are as desperate for honesty and transparency as you are.
They understand that products malfunction. They want to know whether you will stand by your word and fix it for them.
They don't want slick public relations gimmickry that tricks them into remaining loyal customers. They want to be made whole. When that happens they authentically advocate for you.
Authentic advocates develop genuine passion and allegiance to your company's products, values or mission.
They can be your employees, suppliers or buyers who naturally champion you to others by word-of-mouth. Testimony from trusted friends and associates is the most effective public relations ever invented.
Their endorsement is not contractual but stems from an authentic connection to you.
This is how public relations works.